
It could destroy your credit card rating, transfer the ownership of your house or business, right out from under you, or blow up that closing deal on your dream home Just before you sign the dotted line. It's called property fraud and in 2018, more than 20 thousand americans fell victim, and one point three billion dollars was lost. The f-b-I calls it the fastest growing white collar crime in the u-s. And florida in #2 in the nation, mainly because of its elderly population and the large number of people who move here from other states to fight back, martin county now has a free security service basically, it's an identity theft protection tool for your real property. Here's how it works: Any time a document is recorded using a name listed by a subscriber, That subscriber receives a "Fraud alert" by email allowing them to authenticate the activity right away. The best way to protect yourself and your property against fraud is to stay alert and act fast if you suspect trouble. This system will allow residents to do both. If you'd like to sign up, go to martin-clerk dot com and head to the property fraud alert tab. And if *you fall victim to property, or any type of fraud the attorneys at Crary Buchanan may be able to help. Go to Crary Buchanan dot com and fill out the contact form to see If you have legal recourse.

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